Bacon + Onion Quiche

Original source: BBC Good Food

Goes great with: Colin’s Favourite

For freezing: freeze the innards and pastry separately, defrost overnight before cooking


for frying

Butter a bit

onions 2

bacon (veggie or meaty) 200g

for baking

shortcrust pastry (pre-made) about 350g

double cream 300g

milk 100ml

eggs 3

cheddar 140g

nutmeg a few pinches

if you don’t have any nutmeg, it’s alright to leave it out, but if you do have some, I promise it’s worth adding

How to make:

Chop up the bacon and onions.

Blind bake the pastry for 15 mins.

If you’ve never blind baked before, line the tin with the pastry, then on top of it place some grease-proof paper, then on top of that put a bunch of rice (or you can get those special ceramic balls for it if you’re feeling fancy).

Fry the onions and bacon in butter.

Mix the cream, milk, eggs, nutmeg, half the cheese, and the now fried up bacon and onions.

If you’ve got like long pieces of bacon, chop those up before mixing them in.

pour into pastry (once it’s blind baked), top with more cheese and bake for 25 to 30 mins.