I have always hated eating lunch and I’ve always hated deciding what to have for lunch. Me and sandwiches have a difficult relationship to say the least! Bellow is a list of ideas for things I like to put in my lunch boxes, which might inspire you to think of more things you could put in your lunch box. As a kid I would become obsessed with one food and want to eat that for lunch every day and then suddenly decide I couldn’t eat it ever again. Now that I know that that’s just a part of my autism, I’m learning to embrace it and have been trying to recall various foods from my childhood that I went off but want to try again. I’ve been trying to keep long lists so that when I get sick of my same food I’ll have familiar things to go back to, rather than getting overwhelmed and going hungry.

I’ll link to some foods on the tesco website (because that’s where I order all my food from) but generic things like fruits I’ll leave you to source.


  • cheese (and pickle?)

  • Jam (and peanut butter?)

  • Ham (with hummus or cheese)

  • Banana (with peanut butter)

  • Quorn Dino Nuggs (with ketchup, mayo, and cheese)

  • falafel wraps (with hummus, sweet chilli sauce, and lettuce)

Sandwich alternatives

  • spring rolls

  • nuggets (with some sauce in cute pots)

  • leftover quiche

  • pasta


  • oranges (either the easy peel ones or the big ones cut into segments!)

  • bananas

  • apples (I like to cut them up into little chunks and enjoy them with a babybell)

  • grapes

  • raspberries

  • strawberries

  • kiwi (cut in half and eaten with a spoon)

Dried fruit

  • banana chips (or the chewy ones if you prefer)

  • apple

  • apricot (I think it smells gross but Joe loves it)

  • mango

  • raisins

Other picky bits

  • peanuts (or other nuts)

  • carrot sticks and hummus

  • crisps

Things made for children’s lunch boxes

  • dairylea dunkers (to packets of this kind get added to every tesco order because we love them)

  • cheese strings

  • babybells

Juices and stuff

Yoghurt and yoghurt adjacent things

  • muller corners (the fruit ones or the ones with the little chocolate balls)

  • alpro (the vegan pudding things yum yum)

  • angel delight (you can add some slices of banana to the bottom)

  • activia (the yoghurts and the yoghurt drinks are often in our fridge)

Misc sweet treats